12140 Wickchester Ln Suite #100, Houston, TX 77079


在星火能源, we are proud to bring our customers the energy resources they need at the best possible price. 然而,能量是宝贵而强大的. So, we want to help you take steps to lower your energy usage and benefit your budget as well as the health and well-being of the environment.

There are many ways to achieve energy conservation without sacrificing too much comfort or convenience. 它不仅节省了金钱,还节省了宝贵的资源.

我们已经为你概述了一些节约能源消耗的方法. 有些你可能已经知道了. 其他的对你来说可能是新的想法.




  • 你付了多少钱啊
  • 你为它使用的能源和/或水付出的钱

ENERGY STAR® qualified appliances incorporate advanced technologies that use 10-50% less energy and water than standard models. The money you save on your utility bills can more than make up for the cost of a more expensive but more efficient ENERGY STAR model.



能源使用高峰在下午4-6点之间. Running dishwashers and clothes washers/dryers later at night will reduce strain on the power grid and keep the house cooler in 夏天.


Anything you plugin not only uses household electricity, but it also generates heat. 所以要养成关灯的习惯, 电视, 和其他设备,当你离开房间的时候, 尤其是在温暖的天气里. An added benefit – it will put less strain on your room air conditioner resulting in longer life.


控制室内阳光直射 夏天.

Keep curtains and drapes drawn during the day in the warm months to block out the sun’s heat. White blinds and/or draperies will also do a better job of reflecting the sunlight from your windows.

利用阳光 冬天.

在寒冷的月份, open south and west-facing blinds/draperies to let in radiant sunlight and take a load off your furnace.

密封空气 泄漏.

确保你的门窗上有足够的防风雨条, 在运行暖通空调系统时保持关闭.



使用风扇保持凉爽,而不是降低恒温器. 风扇移动空气 让房间感觉凉爽4到6度, 并且会比空调使用更少的能源. 离开房间的时候一定要把它们关掉. 如果你不在场,他们就不能让你冷静下来. Whole-house fans help keep your home cooler in 夏天 by pulling cool air through your home and exhausting warm air through the attic.
Turn off the exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathrooms twenty minutes after you finish bathing or cooking. Don’t leave bathroom or kitchen ventilation fans running longer than necessary; they replace inside air with outside air.

导管喷口, & 开口

检查你的管道是否漏气. 使用耐热胶带而不是布背管道胶带来密封管道. 确保散热器, 护壁板加热器, 热风寄存器, 空调通风口不会被家具或窗帘挡住. 当你不使用壁炉时,保持壁炉上的阻尼器关闭.


如果使用得当, 可编程恒温器 能节省10-20%的能源消耗吗. 自动运行暖通空调系统,而不是连续运行. 在夏天,把你的智能恒温器调到舒适的高度. 试试78华氏度. Program your thermostat to raise the temperature during the day when you’re not home, 在你回家之前把房子降温. 记住, setting your thermostat at a lower temperature than desired does not make your home cool faster. 在冬天,把恒温器调到华氏68度. Also, set it to cool down your house during the day and heat it back up before you get home.


Check air filters once a month and replace them at least once every three months as dirty filters make your system run and work harder than necessary. 随着碎片的堆积,进入你家的冷空气会越来越少. 确保你的空调是干净的. Washing the outside coils and clearing high grass and debris will prevent blockage of the air-flow. 室外空调机组或冷凝器也应遮阳. 如果你的空调已经使用了15年以上, 考虑换一个新的, more efficient model that can provide up to 40% more energy efficiency than older models.



定期清洁灯泡. 取代白炽灯 灯泡 紧凑型荧光灯(cfl).节能灯的用电量减少75%,产生的热量减少90%. 一个大瓦数的灯泡比两个小瓦数的灯泡效率更高. Make sure your 灯泡 do not exceed the recommended wattage indicated on the light socket.

定向光, 比如阅读, 比照亮整个房间提供更多的能源效率. 不要把灯或电视放在恒温器附近. The heat emitted from them can keep your air conditioner running longer than it is necessary.



打开你的热 热水器 温度降到120度. 定期排干热水箱的水,清除沉淀物. 考虑无水箱热水器:它们的效率要高35%到45%, 你的热水永远不会用完.


使用洗碗机的风干设置. Using the heat-dry setting can also heat the kitchen, causing the air conditioner to run more. 不要在洗碗机上使用“冲洗保持”选项. 每次使用它会消耗3到7加仑的热水. 确保你的洗碗机是满的,但不要超载. 这将节省能源和水.


尽可能用冷水洗衣服. 洗衣机也只有在装满衣服的时候才会运转. 这将节省能源和水.




Warm-water 泄漏 should be given immediate attention because they can raise your energy bill rapidly.



不要把冰箱和冰柜的温度调得太低. 你的单位会比它需要的更加努力. The recommended temperatures are 37 to 40 degrees for your refrigerator and 5 degrees for your freezer.


不要让冰箱里结霜. 结霜会降低冰箱的效率. 找一台有自动湿度控制的冰箱. These have been manufactured to prevent moisture accumulation on the cabinet exterior eliminating the need for the addition of a heater. 确保你的冰箱门密封严密. 在冰箱里盖上液体和包裹食物. 未盖盖子的食物会把湿气散发到冰箱里, 加大压缩机的工作力度, 增加能源成本.


为了最有效地利用你的烘干机, 将较轻的衣物与毛巾和其他较重的衣物分开晾干. Dry loads back-to-back if possible, but remember to clean the lint screen between each load. 它有助于更快地将衣服上的水分带走. 不要过度晾干你的衣服. Use the cool-down cycle to allow the clothes to finish drying with the residual heat in the dryer. 考虑在晾衣架或晾衣绳上风干你的衣服. 不要过度填充烘干机和使用自动设置,如果有吗.



电脑开着开着用不了多久. 这种误解只适用于老式的大型计算机. 关掉你的电脑、显示器、复印机、传真机等. 当你不用它们的时候.


当插入墙壁插座时, electronic and other home office equipment can continue to consume electricity after it is turned off. 使用电源插板. Shutting off power at a power strip will eliminate this standby electricity consumption for greater energy savings.


屏保不节省能源. 使用电源管理工具. Set monitors and computers to switch to sleep mode when idle for more than a few minutes. This will help with saving energy by running cooler and thus reduce the need for air-conditioning.

